100 Bad Days, Make 100 Good Stories

By September 2, 2021Blog

100 Bad Days by AJR

Remember when we all got drunk?
I ended up with two broke thumbs
Oh my God, I felt so dumb, lucky me
I wrote a song that no one knows
I played a show and no one showed
Oh my God, I felt so alone, lucky me

When all is going wrong and you’re scared as hell
What you gonna do? Who you gonna tell?
Maybe a hundred bad days made a hundred good stories
A hundred good stories make me interesting at parties

What an interesting perspective the above lyrics bring, that when things went horribly wrong or there was disappointment the writer declares “lucky me”. I remember when I first heard this song by AJR and thought on the lyrics it has really been a mantra that I have tried to deploy in my life. Taking bad situations and embarrassing mishaps into an opportunity to have a story. I don’t know about you, but I love hearing people’s stories and the secret to a good story is……. well, I may be overreaching but I think it’s the ability of the storyteller to immerse us in the story and elicit an emotional response. Another pillar of a great story is the self deprecation. The less that I want to share the story because of the guaranteed embarrassment the better that story is. Which is another interesting facet of human nature, our taking pleasure in other peoples blunders and mishaps. I know, I know not you right? But you sure are quick to tell someone else’s story about their boat motor dying in the middle of the lake in the middle of a thunderstorm or how their boy pee’d on the only electric fence that works on the farm.

But a great story is about you, not someone else and it’s embarrasses you not someone else. So when things aren’t going according to plan and shame is starting to creep in, just think dam this will be a great story.

Then the next step is can we put ourselves in situations out of our comfort zone to have a great story to tell? I aspire to be a better storyteller in my life, taking the time to really think about my life experiences and rather than pulling out the moments that make me look confident or intelligent having the courage to share where I was afraid or blurted a dumb statement. To also not shy away from challenging, scary situations to stick my neck out and take on adventures daily.

Here’s to a hundred bad days and hundred good stories, here’s to us being interesting at parties.

Because Farming is Forever
Joseph Billett

Thank you to Sharon and Daryl Sawtell for this great pic!

Thank you Shara Lunn for this great photo!

Buyer Brief – by Sandra Correia-Letendre

As kids get back into the swing of school again, sellers continue in the swing of harvest.  This week we have been seeing more interest from sellers to start posting that new crop grain, especially barley.

Barley seems to be stumbling this week, a little bit higher 1 day then a little lower the next. We are still seeing bids roughly around $395-$405/mt delivered Lethbridge for September movement.  Buyers seem to be bidding less for October by approximately $5/mt.  The closer we get to Corn coming into the province the lower bids seem to get for barley.  We haven’t seen too much graded wheat come to the market yet.  As indicated by the Stats Canada report, Canadian wheat production is low this harvest due to heat and drought in Western Canada.  “Statistics Canada, in this year’s first report on crop production, estimated the all-wheat harvest at 22.9 million tonnes, down 35% from last year and slightly larger than the average trade expectation of 22.6 million tonnes”, quoted by Western Producer article August 30, 2021.  Feed wheat has currently been trading at similar values to Barley, approximately $400/mt delivered Lethbridge for September.

The talk of the trade in this province is “Corn”.  Why?  Because it’s cheaper than Barley and it sounds like it’s coming to Alberta in droves.  Maybe that’s an over statement, but it is coming and there is a lot of it.  We’ve been seeing corn prices falling this week which only puts further pressure on barley prices to come down.  Corn is trading at approximately $365/mt delivered Lethbridge for November/December.  When it comes to Barley, seller’s really have a couple choices, 1) to sell now while prices are still at all-time highs or 2) hold onto the grain and wait for the corn board to rally (if it does).  Let’s see how the next few weeks unfold.

Seller’s tip: Now that harvest is in full effect, if your needing bin space now is the time to market your grain.  Let’s talk strategy 1-888-969-5552.

County Pricing

2A Weyburn Area


(NET prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-December: $7.80-$8.10

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-December: $19.00-$19.30/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $13.00+/bu

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $15.50-$16.00/bushel
November-December: $14.50-$15.00/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-December: $4.30-$4.50/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-December: $4.00-$4.20/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-December: $9.80-$10.20/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-December: $9.70-$10.00/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-December: $9.80-$10.00/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $15.50-$15.70/bushel
November-December: $14.50-$15.00/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me at Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

2B Regina/Moose Jaw Area


(NET prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-December: $7.75-$8.00/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-December: $18.50-$19.00/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $14.00+/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $15.60-$16.00/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-December: $4.30-$4.60/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-December: $4.20-$4.40/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat
September-December: $10.10-$10.40/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-December: $9.90-$10.30/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-December: $10.20-$10.50/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $15.60-$16.00/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me at Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

3BN Swift Current Area


(Net prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
Sept – December: $7.80-$8.10/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
Sept – December: $18.50-$19.20/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $14.00+/bu

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
Sept – December: $15.50-$15.80/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $4.30-$4.50/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
Sept – December: $4.00-$4.30/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $10.20-$10.45/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.20-$10.40/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
Sept – December: $15.50-$15.80/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me at Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

5A Yorkton Area


(Net prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
Sept – December: $7.40-$7.70/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
Sept – December: $19.00-$19.50/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $12.00+/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
Sept – December: $15.50-$15.75/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $4.40-$4.60/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
Sept – December: $3.70-$3.80/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
($0.20-$0.25/bushel discount to #2CW)

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $9.60-$9.90/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $9.70-$9.90/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $9.60-$10.00/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
Sept – December: $15.50-$15.75/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
Sept – December: $12.00-$12.75/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me at Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

6A Watrous Area


(Net prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
Sept – December: $7.50-$7.75/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-October: $18.50-$19.00/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $14.00+/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
Sept – October: $15.25-$15.75/bushel
November-December: $14.00-14.50/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $3.90-$4.20/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
Sept – December: $3.60-$3.90/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $9.80-$10.20/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $9.80-$10.20/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.00-$10.30/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

6B Saskatoon Area


(Net prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
Sept – December: $7.40-$7.60/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-December: $18.50-$19.00/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $13.00+/bu

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
Sept – December: $15.00-$15.20/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $4.00-$4.30/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
Sept – December: $3.80-$4.00/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $10.00-$10.30/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.10-$10.40/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
Sept – December: $15.00-$15.20/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
Sept – December: $12.00-$12.75/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

7A Kindersley and Rosetown Area


(net prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-December $7.80-$8.00

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-December: $19.50-$19.70

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $15.00/bu

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
Sept – December: $15.50-$16.00

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $4.70-$4.90

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
Sept – December: $3.90-$4.10/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.40-$10.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $10.40-$10.60/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.50-$10.70/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
Sept – December: $15.50-$15.90/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

9A Prince Albert and North Battleford


(Net prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-December: $8.10-$8.25/bushel

#1CW Canola
September-October: $19.70-$20.00/bushel

Heated Canola
Approximately $16.00+/bushel

#2 Green Peas
September-December: $15.60-$16.00/bushel

#2CW Oats
September-December: $4.80-$4.95/bushel

Feed Oats
September-December: $4.10-$4.30/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-December: $10.10-$10.40/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat
September-December: $10.30-$10.60/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-December: $15.50-$16.00/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas Depending on specs
September-December: $13.00-$14.00/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Athabasca County


prices are subject to market change

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $7.80-8.15/bushel
November-December: $7.80-8.25/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-November: $20.20-20.40/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $7.00-16.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.00-6.50/bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October: $13.50-14.05/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October $15.50-15.90/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-October: $4.60-4.90
November-December: $4.60-4.90/bushel
January-March: $4.70-5.10/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.40-4.70/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October: $10.60-10.80/bushel
November-December: $10.70-10.90/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $10.00-10.40/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $15.50-15.90/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $10.00-12.50/bushel

* Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@agfinity.com

Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin@Agfinity.com or give us a call!

Calgary Area


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
Sept-Oct: $8.40-$8.50/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
Sept – Dec: $19.70-$19.90/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $15.00/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
Sept – October: $15.50-$16.00/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $4.35-$4.50/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality & specs)
Sept – December: $4.20-$4.40/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.50-$10.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $10.50-$10.70/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.50-$10.70/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
Sept – November: $15.50-$16.00/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Camrose County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $8.30-8.40/bushel
November-December $8.35-8.45/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-November: $20.00-20.50/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September: $7.00-17.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $8.00-$8.25/bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October: $13.80-14.05/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-November $15.90-16.40/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-October: $4.70-5.00/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
September-October: $4.50-4.60/bushel

#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $9.70-10.20/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October: $10.70-10.90/bushel
November-December: $10.80-11.00/bushel

CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-November $15.80-16.30/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $9.50-9.90/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@agfinity.com
Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin a call!

Grande Prairie County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $7.70-$8.00/bushel
November-December: $7.80-8.10/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-November $19.80-20.10/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $7.00-15.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.00-6.50/bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October : $13.00-13.50/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-November: $15.00-15.50/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-October: $4.50-4.70/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.00-4.40/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)

#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $9.90-10.30/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October: $10.50-10.80/bushel
November-December: $10.60-10.90/bushel

CW Feed CPSR Wheat @ the bin
September-October: $9.70-10.40/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat @ the bin
September-October: $9.70-10.40/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $15.00-15.50/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $12.00-12.50/bushel

Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@agfinity.com Need a price for something else? Please email Erin@Agfinity.com or give us a call!

Leduc County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $8.20-8.30/bushel
November-December: $8.25-8.40/bushel
January-March $8.30-8.45/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-October $20.00-20.20/bushel
November-December $20.10-20.40/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $7.00-16.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.00-6.50/bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October: $13.80-14.30/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October $15.50-16.05/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-October: $4.70-5.00/bushel
November-December $4.70-5.00/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.50-4.75/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
September-October: $4.50-4.70/bushel

#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $9.90-10.20/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October: $10.60-10.80/bushel
November-December: $10.60-10.90/bushel

CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October $10.40-10.70bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.70/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October $15.70-16.05/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $12.00-13.00/bushel

Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@agfinity.com
Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin@Agfinity.com or give us a call!

Lethbridge County


CW Feed Barley
Sept – December: $8.50-$8.75/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
Sept – December: $19.70-$20.00/bu

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $15.00+/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
Sept – December: $15.50-$16.00

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $4.80-$5.20/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
Sept – December: $4.50-$4.80/bushel

Feed Rye *Potential premiums if Ergot below 0.05%
Sept – December: $8.60-$9.00/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.60-$10.80

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $10.75-$10.90

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.70-$10.90

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Mackenzie County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $7.30-7.60/bushel
November-December: $7.40-7.70/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-November : $19.50-19.80/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $8.00-$17.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $5.60-6.00/bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October: $13.00-13.40/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $14.80-15.20/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-November: $4.20- $4.50/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.00-4.30/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)

CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $9.00-9.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $9.00-9.60/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $14.85-15.00/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $11.80-12.50/bushel

Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@agfinity.com

Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin@Agfinity.com or give us a call!

Minburn County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
Sept – December: $8.20-$8.35/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
Sept – December: $20.00-$20.40/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $14.00-$15.00/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
Sept – December: $15.50-$15.90

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $4.90-$5.20/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
Sept – December: $4.50-4.80/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.50-$10.70

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $10.50-$10.70

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.60-$10.80

#2 Yellow Peas
Sept – December: $15.50-$16.00

Newell County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
Sept – December: $8.30-$8.50/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
Sept – December: $19.40-$19.60/bu

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Sept – December: Approximately $14.00/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
Sept – November: $15.50-$16.00/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $4.45-$4.75/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality & specs)
Sept – December: $4.50-$4.70/bushel

Feed Rye
Sept – December: $8.60-$9.00/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $10.60-$10.80/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.50-$10.70/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Paintearth County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
Sept – December: $8.20-$8.40

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
Sept – December: $19.60-19.90/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $15.00+ /bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
Sept – December: $4.90-$5.20/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality & specs)
September-October: $4.60-$4.80/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
Sept – December: $10.40-$10.70/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
Sept – December: $10.65-$10.90/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Parkland County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $8.20-8.30/bushel
November-December $8.20-8.40/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-December: $20.00-20.20/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $7.00-17.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.30-6.60/bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October: $13.70-14.20/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-November $ $15.60-16.00/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-November: $4.60-5.00/bu

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.30-4.60/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to #2cw bids.

#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $10.00-10.40/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $10.60-10.90/bushel

CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October $15.50-15.95/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $12.50-13.00/bushel

Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@agfinity.com
Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin@Agfinity.com or give us a call!

Peace River County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $7.70-7.90/bushel
November-December: $7.80-8.00/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-November $19.80-20.20/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $5.00- $17.00/bu

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.00-6.50/bu

#2 Faba Beans
September-October: $13.00-13.50/bu

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-November: $15.00-15.65/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-December $4.50-4.80/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.00-4.30/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.

#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $9.40-9.70/bu

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-November: $10.50-10.90/bushel

CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $10.00-10.30/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $10.00-10.30/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $15.30-15.50/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $12.00-12.60/bushel

Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@agfinity.com Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin@Agfinity.com or give us a call!

Red Deer County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $8.20-8.30/bushel
November-December: $8.25-8.40/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-December: $20.00-20.25/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $13.00-$17.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.00-6.50/bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October: $13.50-13.90/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $15.60-16.00/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-December $4.70-5.00/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.50-4.70/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.

#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $10.00-10.20/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-November: $10.60-10.80/bushel

CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October : $10.40-10.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $15.50-16.00/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $12.50-12.90/bushel

Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@agfinity.com
Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin@Agfinity.com or give us a call!

St. Paul County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-December: $8.10-$8.30

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-December: $19.50-$20.30

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-December: $4.40-$4.50/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
August-December: $4.20-$4.30/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
August-December: $10.30-$10.50

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.5% protein)
August-December: $10.50-$10.70

#2 Yellow Peas
September-December: $15.50-$16.00/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Stettler County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September- October: $8.20-8.30/bushel
November-December: $8.25-8.40/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-November $20.00-20.25/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October : $13.00-$17.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.00-6.50/bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October : $13.50-13.90/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $15.60-16.00/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-December $4.60-5.00/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.60-4.80/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.

#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $10.00-10.30/bu

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-November: $10.40-10.90/bushel

CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $15.80-16.10/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $12.50-12.90/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss placing a target, Callor email Erin@Agfinity.com with your legal land description for a price! Need a price for something else? Please email or give me a call!

Vermilion River County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September – December: $8.15-$8.30/bu

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-December: $20.25-$20.50/bu

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
Approximately $15.00/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September – December: $15.50-$16.00/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September – December: $4.95-$5.10/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September – December: $4.60-$4.85/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.5% protein)
September – December: $10.40-$10.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September – December: $10.00-$10.40/bushel

#1CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.5% protein)
September – December: $10.50-$10.70/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September – December: $15.50-$16.00/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss the latest pricing, review your options for placing a target, and/or any other grain marketing opportunities available in your area. Please contact Wade w/ Agfinity @ 587-404-9427 (direct line) or 1-888-969-5552 ext 113. Email me @ Wade@Agfinity.com

… Need a price for something else? Please give me a call!

Westlock County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $8.00-8.20/bushel
November-December: $8.20-8.30/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-October : $20.00-20.25/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $5.00- $17.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.00-6.50bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October: $13.80-14.10/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $15.50-15.90/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September- October: $4.60-4.90/bushel
November-December: $4.60-4.90/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.40-4.70/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids.

#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-November: $9.40-9.60/bushel

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-October $10.60-11.00/bushel

CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $15.50-15.90/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $12.50-12.90/bushel

*Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@Agfinity.com with your legal land description for a price! Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin@Agfinity.com or give us a call!

Wetaskiwin County


(prices are subject to market change)

CW Feed Barley
September-October: $8.20-8.30/bushel
November-December: $8.20-8.40/bushel

#1CW Canola (based max 2% green)
September-November $20.00-20.30/bushel

Heated Canola (price will vary on level of heated)
September-October: $13.00-$17.00/bushel

Feed Faba Beans
September-October: $6.00-6.50/bushel

#2 Faba Beans
September-October: $14.00-14.50/bushel

#2 Green Peas (based on max 3% bleach)
September-October: $15.80-16.10/bushel

#2CW Oats (subject to sample)
September-December $4.70-4.90/bushel

Feed Oats (depending on quality)
September-October: $4.50-4.70/bushel

#3CW Oats (discount to #2CW bids)
$0.10-0.25/bushel discount to 2cw bids

#2CW CPSR Wheat (based on 11.5% protein)
September-October: $10.00-10.50/bu

#2CW HRS Wheat (based on 13.0-13.5% protein)
September-November: $10.60-10.90/bushel

CW Feed CPSR Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

CW Feed HRS Wheat
September-October: $10.40-10.60/bushel

#2 Yellow Peas
September-October: $15.60-16.00/bushel

Feed Yellow Peas
September-October: $12.50-12.90/bushel

Give us a call to discuss placing a target, or email Erin@agfinity.com

Need a price for something else? Please email or give Erin@Agfinity.com or give us a call!